My wife, Kathy, likes to bead. She knits some, and has some other interests, but beading is tops. The advantages are saving money.. cheaper than buying jewelry, and also, it’s unique. No two peices are the same… and they look good too!

Lately, she’s been using beads from BeadForLife.

This is a non-profit started by two women from Colorado who, while wandering around Uganda, came across a women selling home made beads. These were made from old magazines and newspapers and were really cool. They brougt some home, and they were a hit! It is now a 3.5 million a year venture!

There are 300 Ugandan women making these beads, with more in training. It’s not hard to imagine this income will make a difference in their lives. So get some beads.. not only will you do some good but will look good too!
